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This week we are at the end of Mercury Retrograde and at Quarter Moon
What was unconscious has now been made conscious... keep asking questions:
Will this create more?
What's right about this I'm not getting?
What would I choose if I fully trusted my ability to create it?
How Does it get any better than this and what are the possibilities?...
Use the energy tool of return to sender all energy that is not mine and release all energy corded to my body and soul that is not in my highest and best interest.
This week we are at the end of Mercury Retrograde and at Quarter Moon
What was unconscious has now been made conscious... keep asking questions:
Will this create more?
What's right about this I'm not getting?
What would I choose if I fully trusted my ability to create it?
How Does it get any better than this and what are the possibilities?...
Use the energy tool of return to sender all energy that is not mine and release all energy corded to my body and soul that is not in my highest and best interest.
This energy stirs the pot, ruffles the feathers, mentions the unmentionable. Our painful stuff is likely surfacing in the last few weeks or days. It can be your energy that you witness or others. Just see what comes up and know that anger speaks the need for a boundary. A boundary is a way to keep your energy and power with you. When you set a boundary People who get upset is getting a huge benefit from you having no boundary with them.
Emotions too difficult to entertain in the regular day to day can come up to be noticed and understood and ultimately healed . So Surrender and allow yourself to enter this portal doorway created by your desire for life, even if you are not sure of what and where you are going, just allow yourself to open to the start of moving towards your highest potential and remaining open to your authentic journey.
You get to choose what intentions do I want to birth forth?
Questions to explore
What have I been letting go of that no longer fits who I am?
Maybe the awareness what I am letting go of was someone else's stuff.
Maybe my intentions were created because of who I thought I was supposed to be according to the the past stories of my life or ????
This is an opportunity to step through the portal and allow you authenticity to surface. It is about Truth bubbling up and it is very willing to dive deep with you to allow you to birth forth who you are.
Take time for you write your intentions with the New Moon Energy March 6th, also Mercury goes retrograde March 5th so a lot of energy percolating.
Hugs and Blessings
Pamela Annette
Emotions too difficult to entertain in the regular day to day can come up to be noticed and understood and ultimately healed . So Surrender and allow yourself to enter this portal doorway created by your desire for life, even if you are not sure of what and where you are going, just allow yourself to open to the start of moving towards your highest potential and remaining open to your authentic journey.
You get to choose what intentions do I want to birth forth?
Questions to explore
What have I been letting go of that no longer fits who I am?
Maybe the awareness what I am letting go of was someone else's stuff.
Maybe my intentions were created because of who I thought I was supposed to be according to the the past stories of my life or ????
This is an opportunity to step through the portal and allow you authenticity to surface. It is about Truth bubbling up and it is very willing to dive deep with you to allow you to birth forth who you are.
Take time for you write your intentions with the New Moon Energy March 6th, also Mercury goes retrograde March 5th so a lot of energy percolating.
Hugs and Blessings
Pamela Annette