Happy to connect today. I have been processing a lot in just a weeks time, a little under the weather and doing Dental work is always a challenge for my sensitive soul. Along with the energy that I talk about below. We are journeying into places with deep reveals. Know what is revealed we can heal.. So make sure to feel the feels and do the work around what needs releasing around any soul loss that has come to visit. I do the work so I can call myself back home to who I was born to be. I hope you are gifting yourself the time for you. It may not be easy but you are worth all the work it takes. Keep showing up for you!!
Deep digging Pluto is bringing stuff up for us to see. Chiron will be guiding us to heal. Feel your way through. Sometimes we can only begin to live when we think we are going to die- thanks Pluto. Thanking the light and might as well thank the dark while we are at it. Yin Yang and whatnot.
Try to not allow your emotions to get to overwhelm and overflow. Take the time to process before making choices.
Revolutionary energies are hitting a fever pitch. We are all warriors now. It is our fight to stay Light. To shine into the darkness and help lift up the frequency of ourselves and the planet. We really are in this together. Courage grants us the way through. You have what it takes to move towards your lighted path.
Last week and coming into this week with a full moon on the way, may have your feeling an acute sensitivity to energy. We are in the process of reclaiming our power. If you are so inclined to be conscious of this process of evolution you are also part of the collective that is clearing out the old fear and pain. The dark and moldy bits that have been left to fester, push through to the surface now. Be open to the truth. All the exhaustion, all the fear, all the confusion, all the discomfort is being felt by you and me and everyone else too.
There is a restructuring going on, whatever is in the way of that is being shown now. The invisible becomes visible. Disillusion is highly likely. A little bit of rage, anger, or grief may be the order of the day.
We are healing. This healing may ask what parts of you have you been wounded before? We may be triggered now but only to let out what is hidden and hindering our progress. The grace is in the understanding and timing now can provide the right threads to pull for deeper awareness. Don't turn away from the shadow, shine an light right into that scary darkness. The intensity will lift soon-ish.
Things are moving fast. We may feel the rumbling of change that can’t be stopped. It’s ok. You’re all right, you are just moving through some of life's darker, dense, vibrations. Feel it. Acknowledge this phase of feeling. Feel from your heart.
Are you taking care of yourself?
Are you holding space for yourself to experience your emotions?
Flowing feelings lead you where you want to go- the best version of your highest life. Follow your heart. Re-envision your future. May the light of understanding soothe your Soul. May your Boundaries be ablaze with love and compassion.
Hugs and Love,
Pamela Annette
Deep digging Pluto is bringing stuff up for us to see. Chiron will be guiding us to heal. Feel your way through. Sometimes we can only begin to live when we think we are going to die- thanks Pluto. Thanking the light and might as well thank the dark while we are at it. Yin Yang and whatnot.
Try to not allow your emotions to get to overwhelm and overflow. Take the time to process before making choices.
Revolutionary energies are hitting a fever pitch. We are all warriors now. It is our fight to stay Light. To shine into the darkness and help lift up the frequency of ourselves and the planet. We really are in this together. Courage grants us the way through. You have what it takes to move towards your lighted path.
Last week and coming into this week with a full moon on the way, may have your feeling an acute sensitivity to energy. We are in the process of reclaiming our power. If you are so inclined to be conscious of this process of evolution you are also part of the collective that is clearing out the old fear and pain. The dark and moldy bits that have been left to fester, push through to the surface now. Be open to the truth. All the exhaustion, all the fear, all the confusion, all the discomfort is being felt by you and me and everyone else too.
There is a restructuring going on, whatever is in the way of that is being shown now. The invisible becomes visible. Disillusion is highly likely. A little bit of rage, anger, or grief may be the order of the day.
We are healing. This healing may ask what parts of you have you been wounded before? We may be triggered now but only to let out what is hidden and hindering our progress. The grace is in the understanding and timing now can provide the right threads to pull for deeper awareness. Don't turn away from the shadow, shine an light right into that scary darkness. The intensity will lift soon-ish.
Things are moving fast. We may feel the rumbling of change that can’t be stopped. It’s ok. You’re all right, you are just moving through some of life's darker, dense, vibrations. Feel it. Acknowledge this phase of feeling. Feel from your heart.
Are you taking care of yourself?
Are you holding space for yourself to experience your emotions?
Flowing feelings lead you where you want to go- the best version of your highest life. Follow your heart. Re-envision your future. May the light of understanding soothe your Soul. May your Boundaries be ablaze with love and compassion.
Hugs and Love,
Pamela Annette