This is the second call for October Join me for a Free Call Along with Free Readings And lots of Information to assist your Soul's Story Today Oct 21st holds a lot of info coming into this New Moon, Solar Eclipse. Right now since yesterday you may be feeling some changes already. Looking at things that you have been doing or have done and you are saying? Uh I don't think I want to carry this with me, there has to be more. Just know that the energy of this time has been prepping us to do just that. Take a look at what is not longer working and step up to start making our life what we want it to be. You are the Creator and your gifts are calling you and your path and dreams and visions are coming into sight. Who you are is enough and it is time to show up!! Why be on the Call?
Hugs and Blessings to you as always Pamela Annette | Dial the numbers listed below Thursday evening Oct 23rd 7 pm Central Time 1-712-432-0075 Code: 454881# Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse Oct 23rd 4:21pm Central What are you ready to grow and what are you ready to let go in life and business? |
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