Summer Solstice, Cross Quarter Day Bright, Joy and Wholeness, it is the peak of Solar Energy, Mid Summer. It is a fruit bearing brand that offers us a openness to our success, goals and wishes fulfilled. Just know that is carries with it the knowledge that one can not stand to long in the Sun, life requires balance to exist. Light and joy must have its balance. What do you now understand? What successes have you achieved? What have you birthed or brought to fruition? What joys are you sharing with others? What commitments have you made? Affirmation: I create warmth and light with my clarity and enthusiasm |
The overall theme or lesson of the Full Moon Cycle of Libra is about the law and how it relates to matters of the human heart. It also speaks of taking on partners and the traditions of generations past. This the time of the year when the Earth herself is showing some signs of awakening buds on trees, the grass is turning green birds are building nests and laying eggs. This lunar cycle relates to the ideals of liberty, love, union and truth. This is the time of the year when the Earth herself is barren yet on the edge of springing into life. The full moon in Libra is the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. This lunation signals the week of Passover for Jewish and the first Sunday after this full moon is Easter for Christians. Today we roll forward to the Libra full moon the releasing of what we no longer need with this moon. It gives us strength to not concern yourself with what others think of you. You just express yourself, stand in your power and lead from your intuitive, heart centered part of yourself - then you will always be able to move forward in a way that is positive. Remembering the previous cycles allows truth in to light you inner shadows and find balance? Time to ask if you are earning a fair exchange in all of your relationships and work life or business. Now this is a Story of How your Easter Egg Can Help with Balance and Truth in your life My Grandmothers stories are with me, they are my ancestral stories. This is the story of the egg told after we attended Easter Church Services. There would be one egg in the center of the table and one boiled egg for each person that sat at the table. We would wait for Mamaw to Crack the egg in the middle of the table symbolizing the cracking open of the seeds of our intentions we wanted to plant and the cracking open of our Authentic Truth emerging. When she peeled the egg she told about the full moon and when she was done peeling the egg she would hold it up to show the fullness of the moon. Then she would peel away the white of the egg to reveal the yolk. The returning of the Sun to bring light back to our days and life to help our intentions to grow. Each one of us would then crack our eggs and put the shells in the bowl in the middle of the table. Then we would go around the table and each person would speak about what they wanted to seed and grow in their life and what they released by the cracking of the egg. It ended with what you were grateful for and what blessings you had received since the last Balance Moon of the previous year. I hold these memories and experiences close and dear to my heart. I ask you What do you want to seed and grow and what do you need to release in order to have your garden ready to receive? Have you been living in accordance with your own rules or the rules of others? What consequences are you experiencing as the result of some previous action or event in your life? Is it time to forgive yourself and release so you can accept the lesson? What is the appropriate compensation (or "energy exchange") needed to balance any situations you are in? What do you need to do to be true to yourself? I wish you the best garden ever and remember that each seed planted takes faith and action to bring it through the growth process. What you plant now will be harvested when this moon Libra Full Moon becomes the Libra New Moon in the fall. Hugs Love and Blessings Pamela Annette I am called to share this information again. Our Pisces Moon"s intuition, It is sensitive, watery, dreamy energy. It also calls us back to who we are and beckons us to awaken to who we are at this moment. To know who you are at this moment is enough to become who you always knew you were. I have been called forth many times to help Sensitives, Empaths, Intuitives know it is ok to be who they were born to be without holding on to Judgement from others. This Moon just flows with asking us to come out and be full in the presense of who you are The information below is more about Sensitives with high Empath level and Inutition. Several empaths and sensitive people I meet have shared that they struggle with knowing When they're experiencing their own feelings versus feelings they have "picked up" from someone else. So becoming a skilled Empath or Sensitive Soul Is just learning to take steps at the point that you are at now. The information I share here you may have already been working on or maybe you are just starting. Where ever you are on your path it is good review. Even as I write this I am thankful for the opportunity to see where I am now and really appreciate the work I have done to get here. Discovering that you’re sensitive is usually exciting, relieving, and overwhelming– all at once. Because you are sensitive, you’ll see the possibilities for how this will affect your life, and that alone can be overstimulating. It’s OK! Take a deep breath! In this article you’ll find tips for learning to adjust to your new discovery. 1. Take It Slow, Take your time reviewing what you learn about Empaths and sensitvity it. A terrific place to start is by reading The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When The World Overwhelms You, by Dr. Elaine Aron. She is the seminal author on the topic, and reading her book is like visiting with an old,dear friend you didn’t know you had. 2. Make Your Sensitivity Your Own Often we've been told that we are “too sensitive.” We've accordingly learned that we’re quite different from others around us. For most, this means years of asking ourselves, “What’s wrong with me?” We've spent lots of time trying to fit in and to be different than who we are. Now it’s time to nip that pattern in the bud. Ask yourself: “What if my sensitivity is my gifts?” Let yourself be open to the answers that emerge. 3. Extend Your Sensitivity to Yourself Imagine that you are introducing a small child to being sensitive. Your own sensitivity would be a powerful means of supporting her,would it not? You would be gentle, thoughtful, caring, and empathic in your tender welcome into a sometimes confusing world that differs from our societal norm. What would it be like to extend the same compassion to yourself as you explore this new territory? 4. Reframe Your Past When you’re ready, it’s helpful to look back at your life and “reframe” past experiences that you've interpreted as failures. For example, although I was successful as an National Trainer and Business Manager in my previous career, I found it extremely difficult to tolerate disharmonious office politics, shared working space, late hours, and constant deadlines and pressure. While these things are tough for many, I found it painful to the point that I had to leave the profession. When I reframe this experience in light of my sensitivity, I see that an extremely high level of constant stimulation and negative energy overwhelmed me. It wasn't a failure. It was a poor match for my highly sensitive soul. It was time to live a life more aligned with my soul and what my purpose was in the world. I have worked and developed my gift for my whole life, but in the last 19 years I have used my intuition other abilities to create a life I was born to live. 5. Give Yourself a Break Learning about being sensitive can trigger a lot of emotions – in many forms. Joy,relief, sadness, excitement, anger, and confusion may all surface, often all at once. This is a great time to practice great self care and take time for yourself. As you learn to support your sensitive soul, you’ll find that you need plenty of time to be alone, to rest, and to find what it is that you resonate with that brings you rejuvenation and puts you back in balance.. Possibly more than you've ever allowed yourself to imagine just be open to what you soul calls for. 6. Confide Wisely It’s important to choose confidants wisely. Not everyone is ready or willing to understand the concept of being sensitive. I suggest that you share your new discovery with trusted friends and loved ones, particularly those you live with. It can help them better understand you and where you’re coming from.Sometimes it will not be honored as we may have been taking care of a lot of others needs that we are close to and when we start caring for our self and exploring they can be a bit rebellious to maybe now taking care of what they feel. Try to have a connection of people that can understand and support you during this time. 7. Connect With Other Sensitives It’s also incredibly helpful to connect with other sensitive souls when you feel ready to do so. You can be fully welcomed and received by others who 100%appreciate who you are! On my website you’ll find details about monthly Tele-Gatherings and closed online groups for Sensitive Souls that will be starting in December. I will have the link up for that on 12/1/14 8. Take a New Look at Who You Are As you begin to integrate and accept your sensitivity, think about what works for you and what doesn't in your life. You may find that certain activities, situations,environments, or individuals are no longer supportive. For example, you may find that certain friendships are quite draining of your energy – it may be time to let them go. Although it may sometimes seem like a hindrance, the more you work with your sensitivity rather than against it, the more you’ll be able to fully share your talents and yourself with the world. 9. Develop Your Strengths Being Highly Sensitive means you have a number of unique talents, including being empathic, intuitive, and creative. Because many of us have suppressed our sensitivity in order to fit in, these talents may be latent strengths, waiting to emerge. Those deprived in childhood are particularly likely to attach themselves to a method or teacher who promises to help them quickly get over the problem by rising above it. In my opinion, a life, and a life wound, needs to be approached on three levels (the shaman's idea of the upper, grounded, and lower worlds):
Empathy is the ability to tune into and experience another persons feelings as if they are your own. Sometimes we even process emotions for other people so they don't have to, Which isn't the best choice for either person. "Most empaths are untrained intuitives" who haven't learned to strengthen their boundaries and consciousness to make their psychic ability work for them. Once you have developed your empaty, you'll be a clairsentient or skilled empath, able to clearly distinguish between your feelings and someone else's feelings. Here are some tips to develop your ability, and begin to discern what your are experiencing: Definition of Clairsentient: This is the ability to feel within you own physical body sensations of energies around you, other people's emotions, feelings and even physical conditions such as aches and illnesses. You may sense the presence of people around you that are living or in spirit form, such as relatives, guides and angels. Some can also pick up feelings through touching objects or being in an area after people have been there. First let me explain, that as you start to walk the path of the awakening sensitive or empath then you open the path to become Clairsentient. Some schools of thought hold that empathy is a form of psychic ability, but my experience of walking this path personally has led me to believe that empathy is actually a form of having the awareness and sensitivities that gives you the opportunity to learn to set good boundaries and then continue to develop the abilities, You become a skilled empath and then develop from there. Clairsentience is the fully developed and highly functioning form of empathy and is a intuitive psychic ability. Clairsentience, when it’s working properly,it allows us to experience the emotions, energies, and physical sensations of others, without being personally affected by them ourselves. This state is an advanced skill – the ultimate form of empathy. The first step toward harnessing it is learning to balance and manage our empathy. This does not mean that you are not affected at times. As an intuitive empath myself it is very important that I keep myself clear and practice good self care. Even then there are times I need to allow myself more down time to balance. It can be because of earth energy or other energies, such as the moon, solar flares, weather changes, It is always a personal thing as some empaths will be more sensitive to some energies than others and when those challenges arise you need to be aware of them and take the time to know where you are in your body and be grounded and clear. Take the time to develop these valuable skills. They’re an important part of who are. And Who You Are Is Enough to begin to live the life you desire. 2015 is going to offer some incredible opportunities. It is an 8 universal year. Passion, Discovery Abundance of Spirit will be an important factor that will be calling to you. I look forward to see us all move towards a life more alive and fully aligned with your Dreams and being your Authentic Self. Blessings and Hugs Pamela Annette Here is some info on how New moon and Solar Eclipse shows up in your life::: On Friday March twentieth the Solar Eclipse and the new Moon usher in a wonderful infusion of higher energy to propel us in the direction we choose. If you are not consciously choosing a direction you might feel anxious on some level. If you input your desires with focus and intention the Universe knows what to bring you. Pisces is a direct link to the cosmos. The most feeling of feeling signs. If you have a goal you can relax into reverie for a while. The opposite of Pisces is Virgo. Virgo is wired to be of service in a more practical way than Pisces. Together they can be immensely creative and productive at the same time. The great novel imagined ..needs also to be written word for word, hour by hour. The movie first has to be made by real people working sixteen hour days then the dream manifests. You have been doing the work, so set what the end intention is what is the feeling I want, you don't have to have all the details now just the intention.. Virgo can apply the pressure to bring it down to earth that Pisces lacks. Pisces is a dreamer and Virgo a doer. It is time to walk the talk. Put into practice all you have learned and make your dreams real. A tangible way is to actually sit and visualize every day. This is laying energetic groundwork that will consolidate your desires. Imagine the feelings, smells, ideas, and circumstances that will surround you when it all works out for you, happily ever after.Even three minutes a day of focused intention and visualization will change your life dramatically. We all know this, but now is the time to practice. You can do it right now-imagine things as you wish them to be. Do this with a timer set at least once a day. It's Best when you wake up and when you are about to sleep. Invest in yourself; this is an act of Love easily accomplished every day. You are worth it; your dreams are worth it. What you focus on will grow. Your need for Love and Understanding and to Love and Understand is now manifesting around you. Around all of us. Old structures are dissolving, new supportive foundations are forming. Yippee! Enjoy your powers- you really can do anything This New Moon will be a very intense energy time for you.. It will be a huge part of how you bring forth what are wanting to harvest this fall. You have been addressing any Shadow Energies that come up and it is important to not ignore them . It is time to edit and sort and bring forth your Intuitive Mystic Energy. So Destiny and do over time is always available to you and is How you learn what your blessed wounds are your teaching you. Here are some Questions to prompt inner dialogue with your Inner Oracle to find the seeds you want to plant that you will harvest this Fall. What are you seeking? What do I want to do? What is longing to be integrated into my life and or business? How does my sensitivities serve me? How am I challenged with my emotions and sensitivities ? How am I using my time to bring forth the best in my life? Where is your Vision Board and make sure it is alignment with your intentions now. Map out and be the strategist in your life as if you were the Teacher and Coach talking to a client after you answer all of the questions. Then last but the yummiest. Write your intentions and Dreams down so they will be ready to flow with the new Moon energy. Some Contributions made by Hilory Scott Happy Cancer Full Moon and Happy New Year Today we have our first Full Moon of 2015, How does it get any better than saying hello and sharing this energy with you? It has been a very full year for me in 2014, full of transformation and expansion. Those words are full of energy so you know it has been a year of change, growth and rebirth many times over this last year. I know it has been the same with a lot of you as well. We have just came through the holidays and some very active energy brought about by the Capricorn New Moon. You may have been feeling the need to express yourself verbally or the need to not conform but instead listen to your own inner wisdom and not buy into others myth or story of who you are or who they thing you should be. 2015 is vibrating the Abundant passionate energy of 8 and It carries with it Courage, Strength and the ability to transcend the outward shell and manifest a life we are more aligned with. So to start us off is this energetic Full moon that calls you to listen to your knowing, your inside ancestral knowledge. Capricorn asks us to set our foundation, create those resolutions and to-do lists and vision boards. Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn, requires boundaries, limitations and pushes us in a linear fashion, forward. This is good stuff for the new year ahead.but we may be a little tired as Saturn has been working us for the last 2 years pulling us outside our comfort zones. So this Full Moon says slow down and feel what you really want to bring forth. Don't rush. Cancer, the only sign ruled by the moon, asks us to pause,Her tides change course as needed, and as her waves rise and fall, she reminds us of cycles and the importance of emotional intent.So to line up with the passion 8 energy of 2015. Allow yourself time to sleep, rest or whatever your flow is calling you to do. Just before or at the Full Moon you can feel very activated, restless or ?? Use your own compass to see what it is you feel. Cancer is all about feeling it, not just going through the motions.This is a time to mother ourselves and give our souls our best ancestral gifts of knowing. This Full Moon happens on the 4th
January is a 9 Universal Month and carries the gift of healing and wisdom. There is so much to share. Be sure you know WHEN to lay low and when to move forward with your Abundance goals this month, 9 is the final single digit and represents an arrival and culmination, a recognition that we are all One and that Love is the only reality. it is a month to complete things, to not rush through things but to allow them the time needed to flow to you and though you. Each day in January will double itself and each day will carry a very active code to feel and flow into what you want to bring about. In January each day is a day to take a deep breath and release what is no longer needed in your life and to complete it so you can move forward. So I think with the 9 and this Cancer Full Moon the Universe says take the time for you and what you really want. You deserve it and who you are is enough to open to all of your possibilities. Hugs and Abundant Blessings Pamela Annette . Several empaths and sensitive people I meet have shared that they struggle with knowing When they're experiencing their own feelings versus feelings they have "picked up" from soneone else. Empathy is the ability to tune into and experience another persons feelings as if they are your own. Sometimes we even process emotions for other people so they don't have to, Which isn't the best choice for either person. "Most empaths are untrained intuitives" who haven't learned to strengthen their boundaries and consciousness to make their psychic ability work for them. Once you have developed your empaty, you'll be a clairsentient or skilled empath, able to clearly distinguish between your feelings and someone else's feelings. Here are some tips to develop your ability, and begin to discern what your are experiencing: Definition of Clairsentient: This is the ability to feel within you own physical body sensations of energies around you, other people's emotions, feelings and even physical conditions such as aches and illnesses. You may sense the presence of people around you that are living or in spirit form, such as relatives, guides and angels. Some can also pick up feelings through touching objects or being in an area after people have been there. First let me explain, that as you start to walk the path of the awakening sensitive or empath then you open the path to become Clairsentient. Some schools of thought hold that empathy is a form of psychic ability, but my experience of walking this path personally has led me to believe that empathy is actually a form of having the awareness and sensitivities that gives you the opportunity to learn to set good boundaries and then continue to develop the abilities, You become a skilled empath and then develop from there. Clairsentience is the fully developed and highly functioning form of empathy and is a intuitive psychic ability. Clairsentience, when it’s working properly,it allows us to experience the emotions, energies, and physical sensations of others, without being personally affected by them ourselves. This state is an advanced skill – the ultimate form of empathy. The first step toward harnessing it is learning to balance and manage our empathy. This does not mean that you are not affected at times. As an intuitive empath myself it is very important that I keep myself clear and practice good self care. Even then there are times I need to allow myself more down time to balance. It can be because of earth energy or other energies, such as the moon, solar flares, weather changes, It is always a personal thing as some empaths will be more sensitive to some energies than others and when those challenges arise you need to be aware of them and take the time to know where you are in your body and be grounded and clear. So becoming a skilled Empath or Sensitive Soul Is just learning to take steps at the point that you are at now. The information I share here you may have already been working on or maybe you are just starting. Where ever you are on your path it is good review. Even as I write this I am thankful for the opportunity to see where I am now and really appreciate the work I have done to get here. Discovering that you’re sensitive is usually exciting, relieving, and overwhelming– all at once. Because you are sensitive, you’ll see the possibilities for how this will affect your life, and that alone can be overstimulating. It’s OK! Take a deep breath! In this article you’ll find tips for learning to adjust to your new discovery. 1. Take It Slow, Take your time reviewing what you learn about Empaths and sensitvity it. A terrific place to start is by reading The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When The World Overwhelms You, by Dr. Elaine Aron. She is the seminal author on the topic, and reading her book is like visiting with an old,dear friend you didn’t know you had. 2. Make Your Sensitivity Your Own Often we've been told that we are “too sensitive.” We've accordingly learned that we’re quite different from others around us. For most, this means years of asking ourselves, “What’s wrong with me?” We've spent lots of time trying to fit in and to be different than who we are. Now it’s time to nip that pattern in the bud. Ask yourself: “What if my sensitivity is my gifts?” Let yourself be open to the answers that emerge. 3. Extend Your Sensitivity to Yourself Imagine that you are introducing a small child to being sensitive. Your own sensitivity would be a powerful means of supporting her,would it not? You would be gentle, thoughtful, caring, and empathic in your tender welcome into a sometimes confusing world that differs from our societal norm. What would it be like to extend the same compassion to yourself as you explore this new territory? 4. Reframe Your Past When you’re ready, it’s helpful to look back at your life and “reframe” past experiences that you've interpreted as failures. For example, although I was successful as an National Trainer and Business Manager in my previous career, I found it extremely difficult to tolerate disharmonious office politics, shared working space, late hours, and constant deadlines and pressure. While these things are tough for many, I found it painful to the point that I had to leave the profession. When I reframe this experience in light of my sensitivity, I see that an extremely high level of constant stimulation and negative energy overwhelmed me. It wasn't a failure. It was a poor match for my highly sensitive soul. It was time to live a life more aligned with my soul and what my purpose was in the world. I have worked and developed my gift for my whole life, but in the last 19 years I have used my intuition other abilities to create a life I was born to live. 5. Give Yourself a Break Learning about being sensitive can trigger a lot of emotions – in many forms. Joy,relief, sadness, excitement, anger, and confusion may all surface, often all at once. This is a great time to practice great self care and take time for yourself. As you learn to support your sensitive soul, you’ll find that you need plenty of time to be alone, to rest, and to find what it is that you resonate with that brings you rejuvenation and puts you back in balance.. Possibly more than you've ever allowed yourself to imagine just be open to what you soul calls for. 6. Confide Wisely It’s important to choose confidants wisely. Not everyone is ready or willing to understand the concept of being sensitive. I suggest that you share your new discovery with trusted friends and loved ones, particularly those you live with. It can help them better understand you and where you’re coming from.Sometimes it will not be honored as we may have been taking care of a lot of others needs that we are close to and when we start caring for our self and exploring they can be a bit rebellious to maybe now taking care of what they feel. Try to have a connection of people that can understand and support you during this time. 7. Connect With Other Sensitives It’s also incredibly helpful to connect with other sensitive souls when you feel ready to do so. You can be fully welcomed and received by others who 100%appreciate who you are! On my website you’ll find details about monthly Tele-Gatherings and closed online groups for Sensitive Souls that will be starting in December. I will have the link up for that on 12/1/14 8. Take a New Look at Who You Are As you begin to integrate and accept your sensitivity, think about what works for you and what doesn't in your life. You may find that certain activities, situations,environments, or individuals are no longer supportive. For example, you may find that certain friendships are quite draining of your energy – it may be time to let them go. Although it may sometimes seem like a hindrance, the more you work with your sensitivity rather than against it, the more you’ll be able to fully share your talents and yourself with the world. 9. Develop Your Strengths Being Highly Sensitive means you have a number of unique talents, including being empathic, intuitive, and creative. Because many of us have suppressed our sensitivity in order to fit in, these talents may be latent strengths, waiting to emerge. Take the time to develop these valuable skills. They’re an important part of who are. And Who You Are Is Enough to begin to live the life you desire. 2015 is going to offer some incredible opportunities. It is an 8 universal year. Passion, Discovery Abundance of Spirit will be an important factor that will be calling to you. I look forward to see us all move towards a life more alive and fully aligned with your Dreams and being your Authentic Self. Blessings and Hugs Pamela Annette
* Are you uncertain where to put your energies?
* Are you unsure of your life's path? * Does your life's purpose seem unclear? * Are you at a crossroads? If you've been feeling any of these things for a while, or a big wave of uncertainty suddenly crashed at your feet, It might be a good time for a Reading. A Reading is a co-created event; we work together to reveal solutions from a Divine perspective. After all, as a Divine being, your soul has all the answers already! My Job is to: Create a Spiritual Road Map * Bring your soul's answers forward * Connect with guides and angels on your behalf * Communicate with departed who may show up * Receive messages and visions * Shine a light on what's murky * Help release old wounds * Illuminate Misbeliefs * Show you your Highest Possibility * Create a Spiritual Road Map for next steps What You Can Expect From a Reading A Reading often acts like a reset button... it allows you to shift old patterns and move forward with new clarity. Regardless of what is illuminated during your Reading, you'll gain a new understanding of your life, your path, your purpose. We can accomplish a lot together, Click here to choose 30 minute Session Click here to choose 60 minute Session Or just call me to chat about what will work best for you?? Pamela Annette 605-212-1082 Email [email protected] |