The New Moon in Aries-relationships and partnerships
Each individual stimulates subtle differences in another. There is an energy that each person gives off that influences the behavior and enhances personal traits, for positive or negative. When choosing a partner for life or profession we choose according to our own strengths and weakness. A partnership built on weaknesses will surely fail. Connecting with others based on mutual strengths has a much better outcome.Be aware if the reason you connect with someone is based on your strength or whether that person is connecting to your weaknesses. Positive outcomes begin with equal partners.
If you are an Empath or Intuitive and Sensitive Soul you may be feeling others emotions like they are your own. So always ask if you are making choices is this mine? Do I have a reason to feel this way??
Last week a lot of us had the need to look inside, slow down and listen. To integrate and process what we have have been doing. We are getting ready to move forward with the lessons our Journey has been teaching us in the last 2 years. Time to look to see what do I want to do next to take myself to the next level.
This new moon is urging us to bust out.
To be who we really are. We are blessed with courage with the
Aries energy.. We soon turn to Taurus energy and it can call up some questions?
You have been working on moving forward so use Aries to fire you up and Taurus to ground you to the earth as you Soar.
It is often in the face of fear that we turn from our dreams.
We stay where we are instead of going where our Soul longs for us to be.
We use lack of money, or resources, or time, to turn our backs on our very own happiness.
So this New moon gives the gift of courage. And that is all we need
to get where we are going. The courage to begin, the courage to let
go, the courage to speak the truth and leave the past behind.
Now you have it. Try it on.
Mars is in Taurus squaring Jupiter now too which in some ways slow
you down. Just enough to be thoughtful. Just enough to be careful.
You can see what has value and what is just dead weight. I always
used to have a hard time pruning plants. Like it hurt to cut the perfectly
good though ungainly extra leaves and branches. But the whole plant
looks beautiful and thrives when you do. So do some pruning.
You hold in your hands the most powerful tool of all, the tool that leads to freedom – and that is your ability to consciously re-cognize! An awareness that generates clarity.
Being aware of your actions is a recognition of truth.
Hope is renewed when you look forward, and that happens when you fully invest only in what brings meaning to you.
So focus on what radiates you with joy. Focus on how you feel AS you answer these questions.
How does this situation or a certain person make me feel?
Pay close attention.
When you answer, does the feeling create tears of relief?
Tears of joy?
Tears of sadness?
Chills down your spine?
Knots in your solar plexus or throat area?
Just notice how you feel. listen to your response.
Each individual stimulates subtle differences in another. There is an energy that each person gives off that influences the behavior and enhances personal traits, for positive or negative. When choosing a partner for life or profession we choose according to our own strengths and weakness. A partnership built on weaknesses will surely fail. Connecting with others based on mutual strengths has a much better outcome.Be aware if the reason you connect with someone is based on your strength or whether that person is connecting to your weaknesses. Positive outcomes begin with equal partners.
If you are an Empath or Intuitive and Sensitive Soul you may be feeling others emotions like they are your own. So always ask if you are making choices is this mine? Do I have a reason to feel this way??
Last week a lot of us had the need to look inside, slow down and listen. To integrate and process what we have have been doing. We are getting ready to move forward with the lessons our Journey has been teaching us in the last 2 years. Time to look to see what do I want to do next to take myself to the next level.
This new moon is urging us to bust out.
To be who we really are. We are blessed with courage with the
Aries energy.. We soon turn to Taurus energy and it can call up some questions?
You have been working on moving forward so use Aries to fire you up and Taurus to ground you to the earth as you Soar.
It is often in the face of fear that we turn from our dreams.
We stay where we are instead of going where our Soul longs for us to be.
We use lack of money, or resources, or time, to turn our backs on our very own happiness.
So this New moon gives the gift of courage. And that is all we need
to get where we are going. The courage to begin, the courage to let
go, the courage to speak the truth and leave the past behind.
Now you have it. Try it on.
Mars is in Taurus squaring Jupiter now too which in some ways slow
you down. Just enough to be thoughtful. Just enough to be careful.
You can see what has value and what is just dead weight. I always
used to have a hard time pruning plants. Like it hurt to cut the perfectly
good though ungainly extra leaves and branches. But the whole plant
looks beautiful and thrives when you do. So do some pruning.
You hold in your hands the most powerful tool of all, the tool that leads to freedom – and that is your ability to consciously re-cognize! An awareness that generates clarity.
Being aware of your actions is a recognition of truth.
Hope is renewed when you look forward, and that happens when you fully invest only in what brings meaning to you.
So focus on what radiates you with joy. Focus on how you feel AS you answer these questions.
How does this situation or a certain person make me feel?
Pay close attention.
When you answer, does the feeling create tears of relief?
Tears of joy?
Tears of sadness?
Chills down your spine?
Knots in your solar plexus or throat area?
Just notice how you feel. listen to your response.