New Moon 8/11/2018
The New Moon comes in to clear up and bring a glow of light It's the day of big shifts. it's a marker day.
today resonates with the 12 energy of the Hanged Man and it is about suspending yourself as you gain enlightenment for your next moves of what truly resonates with you and who you want to be after all the transitions and healing you have done from all the things that have kept hanging you up?? it's the parallel, the mirror, What we have went through with the three eclipses?? So, how are you feeling? This is change and the type that is not in the comfort zone, It calls you to look inside and risk shining your true self. The self that is no longer wanting to allow the things that keep hanging you up in life to control you. This will affect us in the part of our soul where we like things to stay the same. Yet this solar eclipse in Leo is saying: nope. Not this time. Everything is shifting, and it's never going to be the same. This can be quite traumatic! So stay out of others drama so it don't end up as Trauma attached later to have to clear. Be chill. Don't attack anyone or let anyone attack you. Just wait it out, even if the heat is on. What's new let it have time to find you don't rush. No sudden moves. No drama. Less Doing and more (Being) Bask in the sun after a long hunt for what we need to release it is time to rest. Like in nature after the lions hunt they take their rest they don't argue they allow nature to flow. So put your intentions out there and allow Your creative light to open to you. The Hanged Man will transform with Empress energy that will allow your ideas to shine through and manifest. You are in the process of seeing what keeps them from manifesting so stay still listen. look at the card above when it is time and you know what you need to know you can release yourself and give birth to what is truly calling your soul forward. |