Feels so good to connect with the energy this New Moon. I have been recovering from a Bell's Palsy from a neck nerve injury. I am doing well after almost a full 2 weeks. As a sensitive, I am not the normal patient when you read side effects on the list of meds, so grateful to be off Steroids' now!! I am healing well and took the time needed to go inside and release, retreat renew. Sending lots of love and blessings your way as we move forward.
This new moon in compassionate Pisces wakes up our hearts. The energy is multiplying the effects of Everything. Is this an exaggeration? Our thoughts are serious. Hold the light. Beginnings and endings are materializing all around us.
This New Moon is the last of the winter moons. We have a chance to get still and retreat to the depths within to find meaning. Our instincts and imagination are powerful allies. Take time to rest. Leave space for the flow of your own Natural energy. All that is going on can hit us with overwhelm, confusion, escapism, and lack of discernment if we are not conscious.
Connected to this moon is a far reaching truth seeking, freedom, and higher order. This energy blesses us with curiosity and kind heartedness. We want to grow, expand, evolve and be free. Be patient. explore which impulses show up with out of the box ideas. How can you tap into your Original genius? How can you utilize this energy for your own growth? Lets unstuck ourselves from whatever hinders us being our true and Total selves. Just a simple shift in perspective can change your world. Spirit loves to show us out of this world Possibilities.
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” Carl Jung
Our Inherited family dysfunction can show up with some aches and pains, Be kind to you, watch the triggers Things are sensitive and particularly vulnerable now. What will you let go that can help you become more of you?
Our make reality real ability is strong now.
What will you be creating?
In what area can you grow and expand?
How are your dreams trying to inform you?
Keep grounded. You might be more aware of humming and buzzing in your body while you calibrate this new influx of energy.
Look for Balance, You may feel stubborn. You may want it all to just stop changing so fast. Everything is so demanding. Part of you wants luxury stillness and predictability and the other part is bored and needs to shake things up for the sake of your evolution.
Be sure to plant your seeds on this new moon Wednesday and Thursday for best results We are about to enter the very fast growing season of spring. Use this last few weeks to go within. Tap into your knowing.
“ Follow your dreams. They know where to go.”
Much Love
Pamela Annette
This new moon in compassionate Pisces wakes up our hearts. The energy is multiplying the effects of Everything. Is this an exaggeration? Our thoughts are serious. Hold the light. Beginnings and endings are materializing all around us.
This New Moon is the last of the winter moons. We have a chance to get still and retreat to the depths within to find meaning. Our instincts and imagination are powerful allies. Take time to rest. Leave space for the flow of your own Natural energy. All that is going on can hit us with overwhelm, confusion, escapism, and lack of discernment if we are not conscious.
Connected to this moon is a far reaching truth seeking, freedom, and higher order. This energy blesses us with curiosity and kind heartedness. We want to grow, expand, evolve and be free. Be patient. explore which impulses show up with out of the box ideas. How can you tap into your Original genius? How can you utilize this energy for your own growth? Lets unstuck ourselves from whatever hinders us being our true and Total selves. Just a simple shift in perspective can change your world. Spirit loves to show us out of this world Possibilities.
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” Carl Jung
Our Inherited family dysfunction can show up with some aches and pains, Be kind to you, watch the triggers Things are sensitive and particularly vulnerable now. What will you let go that can help you become more of you?
Our make reality real ability is strong now.
What will you be creating?
In what area can you grow and expand?
How are your dreams trying to inform you?
Keep grounded. You might be more aware of humming and buzzing in your body while you calibrate this new influx of energy.
Look for Balance, You may feel stubborn. You may want it all to just stop changing so fast. Everything is so demanding. Part of you wants luxury stillness and predictability and the other part is bored and needs to shake things up for the sake of your evolution.
Be sure to plant your seeds on this new moon Wednesday and Thursday for best results We are about to enter the very fast growing season of spring. Use this last few weeks to go within. Tap into your knowing.
“ Follow your dreams. They know where to go.”
Much Love
Pamela Annette