New Moon 11/7/2018

Take the time to set your intentions. New moons are powerful beginning points. This moons energy is capable of total transformation. Deep cleansing metamorphosis is swirling us all into new emotional realities that acknowledge, support and encourage us to be our really real selves.
Our Higher Selves: Harness this powerful moon with a physical action: create a vision board, burn old photos or papers that remind you of a painful past. Have a bath with Salt or cleansing oils like cypress or grapefruit to steep away the pain, let the past wash down the drain.
This moon aligns with the master number of 11, It offers you opportunities to put out some powerful energy for balance and letting go of what needs to go, what is keeping you at the tipping point of being triggered look there to be your inner detective of whats creating any barriers of where you see your life truth.
Now you can create new more support grooves in your psyche. You will be buoyant and optimistic. This is where you get lucky. A whole year of expansion. Growth in areas relating to, the truth and teaching, writing, creating what ever it is the energy is happening. It's time to go for it. Go! Breath in the future of your dreams. Breath out apathy and self doubt.
A whole lot is happening. Stay tuned in. Feet on ground and Hand on your belly and heart. Keep returning to your center. When you are in your center the wheels of change can spin all around and you can remain still and safe and certain while your life shoots off in new directions. Change begins within. If you don’t go within, you go without. Stay hydrated.
Hugs and Love
Pamela Annette
Our Higher Selves: Harness this powerful moon with a physical action: create a vision board, burn old photos or papers that remind you of a painful past. Have a bath with Salt or cleansing oils like cypress or grapefruit to steep away the pain, let the past wash down the drain.
This moon aligns with the master number of 11, It offers you opportunities to put out some powerful energy for balance and letting go of what needs to go, what is keeping you at the tipping point of being triggered look there to be your inner detective of whats creating any barriers of where you see your life truth.
Now you can create new more support grooves in your psyche. You will be buoyant and optimistic. This is where you get lucky. A whole year of expansion. Growth in areas relating to, the truth and teaching, writing, creating what ever it is the energy is happening. It's time to go for it. Go! Breath in the future of your dreams. Breath out apathy and self doubt.
A whole lot is happening. Stay tuned in. Feet on ground and Hand on your belly and heart. Keep returning to your center. When you are in your center the wheels of change can spin all around and you can remain still and safe and certain while your life shoots off in new directions. Change begins within. If you don’t go within, you go without. Stay hydrated.
Hugs and Love
Pamela Annette