Full Moon Expression
The Moon is full in Self Expressing fiery. Our thoughts are powerfully mystical, our hearts are impatient for the joy and the warmth of a life lived fully expressed
Shake of those shackles.
This energy may make you go from not questioning yourself to being totally unsure of anything. Mercury is going retrograde on February 17th, the shadow phase the time before and after retrogrades can be potent, I have been feeling the pull of this energy for a few days now along with the potency of this Moon.
This may create a feeling like a world where nothing is as it seems and maybe that is true, so ground and allow yourself to speak from your truth,and don't allow yourself to be triggered by what outside energy says you must do, just allow what triggers you to show you what wants to go so you make room for?? Ask how your dreams can be made real. take a dip in the watery world our Dreamy emotions can put us in touch with, ask for access to inner gifts and energy to stand out that you didn’t even know you had.
Its not a time to tap into the weakness and confusion our shadow side of our sensitive souls can move towards at times. Times when we take a breath with hero energy coursing through our escapist veins. We trust the un-trustable. We share ourselves with people allowing our light to be used as their energy. We may have become to numb to feel a thing and make anything real in the real world. Our over is whelmed. Ugh. This is not the dream your sensitive beautiful soul wants to live.
Tap in and allow the Full Moon energy to pull away what needs to go so you can be powerful in your energy, Having Compassion for you and taking care of you. Ground down in your own sweet heart for any and all answers. Your belief in the good of mankind could be feeling lead astray after waking to the feeling of I am powerful. Just allow yourself to float for now, Observe, Capture impressions, use your gut to feel your feelings even if it shows you things that are not comfortable. Keep the river of feeling flowing so you can get where you are going. Breath deeply into your grateful heart. Keep returning there. In your Heart you can Trust. You can be self-full now, put yourself first without being selfish do what you need to do. Be who you really are. Its what you came here to do.
With the Leo full moon we can naturally rest in our own hearts. It might not always be the most popular choice with those who depend on our selfless generosity. But, we are here to walk the path we are meant to walk. First and foremost We are Our responsibility. Be true to You. Then, when the all aligns, you will naturally draw in all the experiences for your go around here on planet Earth.
This is your purpose. Follow the path of your Happy Heart.You deserves nothing less than the very best.
Hugs and Blessing
Pamela Annette