August 30th Full Moon will be in watery realm of Pisces.
This is a Blue Moon bringing us the opportunity for deep reset.
I was listening to the weather forecast and they were showing how this Moon will bring in a king tide which will be higher than usual as the moon is closer to earth. I feel it will bring our deep water truth to us in a higher emotional way as well. The moon represents the emotional body. You may hear the ask to let go of perfection, to focus on different areas more earthy and practical. At the same time the want, wants dreams to magically come true. We have been riding the waves and now we need to let go and merge reality with our dreams and allow ourselves to take a deep breath and ground. We need to be rooted to bring our light to the right paths for ourselves.
If you feel your big dreams are often left wanting, stuck in a dull reality that can't compare with their visionary images. This is where disillusionment comes in. It's painful when we see the Truth, but always liberating. Just let them merge into the alchemy the wake up energy here to liberate you and call yourself home to who you were born to be. We have been conditioned and mind controlled since birth to comply to social and family structures that groom us to be obedient, small and compliant.
Discovering our authentic self and the innate power that is our birthright is a radical act of evolution. You are here on earth to at this time to share your unfettered greatness with humanity. This is not asking ego to lead the way it is asking for Compassion to lead. Know as a sensitive soul That starts with Self Compassion first.
“Unlike self-criticism, which asks if you’re good enough, self-compassion asks what’s good for you?”
There are planets standing still to support you in this moment. The energy created is here to liberate you from any and all that stops you from being who we were born to be.
Comfort is nice but it’s not what life is all about, there is more. There is a purpose. Our ruts keep us stuck. So consider this a Tow Truck call to get you unstuck and rolling as we are moving through and revisiting territory you have been moving through since May 2023.
This gives you a chance to see, in a more detached way, if you are on the right track.
This is an opportunity to go over things with a fine tooth comb. Everything is in the details.
It may not be fun but we can structure all that big dreaming energy into something real. Something dependable and lucrative. Get quiet and listen for your inner self to share the deeper wisdom about why you are attracting certain physical issues or certain situations. If you listen closely you may see that your issues tie into emotional issues.
This Full Moon take some time to Spiritualize. Let go of what is no longer useful and ask it to let go of you. Focus on your breathing, create the future you desire through the Art of knowing you and what patterns you will not let lead you from this point.
Be Grateful for all you have right Now. And Now.. . and Now..
Blessings and Love
Pamela Annette
This is a Blue Moon bringing us the opportunity for deep reset.
I was listening to the weather forecast and they were showing how this Moon will bring in a king tide which will be higher than usual as the moon is closer to earth. I feel it will bring our deep water truth to us in a higher emotional way as well. The moon represents the emotional body. You may hear the ask to let go of perfection, to focus on different areas more earthy and practical. At the same time the want, wants dreams to magically come true. We have been riding the waves and now we need to let go and merge reality with our dreams and allow ourselves to take a deep breath and ground. We need to be rooted to bring our light to the right paths for ourselves.
If you feel your big dreams are often left wanting, stuck in a dull reality that can't compare with their visionary images. This is where disillusionment comes in. It's painful when we see the Truth, but always liberating. Just let them merge into the alchemy the wake up energy here to liberate you and call yourself home to who you were born to be. We have been conditioned and mind controlled since birth to comply to social and family structures that groom us to be obedient, small and compliant.
Discovering our authentic self and the innate power that is our birthright is a radical act of evolution. You are here on earth to at this time to share your unfettered greatness with humanity. This is not asking ego to lead the way it is asking for Compassion to lead. Know as a sensitive soul That starts with Self Compassion first.
“Unlike self-criticism, which asks if you’re good enough, self-compassion asks what’s good for you?”
There are planets standing still to support you in this moment. The energy created is here to liberate you from any and all that stops you from being who we were born to be.
Comfort is nice but it’s not what life is all about, there is more. There is a purpose. Our ruts keep us stuck. So consider this a Tow Truck call to get you unstuck and rolling as we are moving through and revisiting territory you have been moving through since May 2023.
This gives you a chance to see, in a more detached way, if you are on the right track.
This is an opportunity to go over things with a fine tooth comb. Everything is in the details.
It may not be fun but we can structure all that big dreaming energy into something real. Something dependable and lucrative. Get quiet and listen for your inner self to share the deeper wisdom about why you are attracting certain physical issues or certain situations. If you listen closely you may see that your issues tie into emotional issues.
This Full Moon take some time to Spiritualize. Let go of what is no longer useful and ask it to let go of you. Focus on your breathing, create the future you desire through the Art of knowing you and what patterns you will not let lead you from this point.
Be Grateful for all you have right Now. And Now.. . and Now..
Blessings and Love
Pamela Annette