The New moon October 6. The hours after this moon is some incredibly creative energy. Our urge to act on our feelings is strong. Desires to communicate about important issues is highlighted.
This new moon can bring in quick shifts ahead. Secrets from the hidden depths will surface now. Secrets that you may have been asking about, some deep down things about the mystery of you along with answers about things with others or events around you . Find someone to confide in, someone that can hold space for powerful feelings to come up. Or maybe you are the space holder.
Energy will shift significantly and what we value will be under the umbrella of whether we want to expand with it or???. Truth and Justice will get a leg up while you are processing who, what and why you are doing what you are doing??. Look for the truth. Seek and you shall find. If it brings up uncomfortable patterns you are seeing that may have been with you for a while, don't judge you. You see it now just acknowledge it and ask the truth some questions, who you are is always enough to do the work. Just do the work, you are worth it.
A couple of days after this new moon, Mercury retrograde will flow an energy in that may feel like you might be fighting between peace and truth. Its hard to look at what seems unpleasant but the truth always finds a way to the light. That is our blessing. This is how we heal. Keep focused on what lifts you up. Sometimes what seems like loss is just a realignment to your highest path.
The vibrations around us is asking for change and balance, notice if you body is leading you to make different choices. Listen in and have a sit down with yourself to see what feels out of balance, Does every inch of your life need to be so full? Could you use some space to feel, and dream?"
Let the energy align with your world, what is around you? What is it you would like to intend in this world? New Moons are a time of coming inside to ask what aligns with you in the depths of your soul. It is usually not a time to act on the energy immediately, it is seeds planted and they grow and come to light as we move towards the Full Moon. So be kind and fair to you. Allow more of you to be in the blessed question of who you are? Who you truly be. Focus so you can bring in what's needed, or let go of what is tipping the scale in the wrong direction for you. Ask about all relationships, people, work, places, things etc.... Take time to be still, it is a time of coming in to prepare for what you want to create ahead.
My grandmothers taught me October 1st is New years day. The energy in the October is a time of separating and purging what's not needed. The energy doubles in getting the things done to bring us into next year. It is a preview of energy and we start preparing now. Next year we will be in a universal 6 alignment, that vibration is about relationships to all things and how can you bring balance so you can see your relations to all things.
Blessings and Love
Pamela Annette