It has been a few moons since I have connected with you all here♥️ My sister entered Hospice 4 weeks ago, many of you know I have helped to manage her care for more than a few years as she has been disabled from a stroke years ago. She lives in Minnesota at a care center so she has the insurance she needs. travel has taken a lot of my free time to set up good care for her and get family notified etc.
For this very sensitive intuitive empath I have learned The world is often challenging and overstimulating for my nervous system. If you think of the nervous system as a container, a highly sensitive person’s nervous system might have 100 cups of information to process, whereas someone without this trait might just have a few. I take in more information, more details, and more data and feel more intensified emotions than a lot of the population. I have to have enough downtime to process everything in that container, my system gets overstimulated.
My body cannot even process toxins well if those 100 cups of stuff aren’t given enough quiet time to download and process correctly. As I have worked with my energies over the years I have learned how to be more empowered when things come up that requires a lot of my heart space. I used to either freeze, implode, or explode... I take the time now to focus on what I need to do what I need for myself. Self compassion breaks, not drinking if I am overwhelmed (leads to stuck trama drama emotions to process later). Making sure I am clearing my energy daily and maybe many times a day in stressful times.
This allows me to be there for myself and the people I love and to be there for others. I don't work from a depleted cup when it comes to clients and my work or for others asking for things, it is not the high Morals my heart has when I am in sacred space with another. It also is something I still work on from time to time like all Sensitives Intuitives Empaths etc..........
I have missed doing the extra things posting here and on my website and look forward to connecting with you this next full moon of the year 12-11-19. I have truly found a light when I do Sessions with Clients, this connects me with my light and soul, it is a place I become grounded into the work I am here to do in this world. So Thank you to everyone that has been willing to reschedule and go with the flow with me the last few weeks.
We have all been working hard and this year has been a place to process what keeps hanging us up and letting it go so we can step into a place of creating from the place in your soul that is your unique light.
If you need me know this does not mean you cant' connect with me, It just means it might take me longer to respond or schedule times. ♥️♥️ Hugs Love and Blessings Talk Soon Pamela Annette