Crossing the Bridge
The above images show you the bridge you cross in a 9 year
This is the work that you have done in 2016, The ending of a 9 universal year is usually very recognizable, we do a lot of work in all areas of life of decluttering the past and reviewing whats needed and whats not coming with us for the next 9 years as we cross the bridge.
What my Grandmothers taught me about the energy ending a 9 year becomes clearer and shows what work still needs to be done and what work is complete at the first Cancer Moon of the following year.
That moon is today 1/12/2017 and is is beaming with the number 5 as its power of Freedom. (1+12+2017=2030=2+3=5) I love how the energy flows from that. The 5 takes you up on that Plateau. ( Which I really love cause I grew up on Plateau Rd in Tennessee as a girl) The plateau of the 5 has you looking forward and it has the rocker on the bottom looking back at the past. The rocker gives you energy to create movement to shift the energy and release the past only keeping the lessons not the toxic feelings and stuck energy of things we need to release. So this year will be grounded in that as our Cancer Full Moon helps you birth the energy of you and your truth and freedom of creating what your soul desires.
Soul Prompts to help you seek some of your answers you have inside from 2016. Below following this section you will have the information on 2017 and our Full Moon Energy guiding us today. This is the Morgan Greer Deck.
Hermit, the gateway to cross the bridge
Principle of completion introspection and space
First look at the Hermit card above, notice that he is standing on top of his cave or another analogy is the Womb of the Soul. When he enters that space below him look at the light blue, it opens his voice and gives him inner light to hear the wisdom of his truth and let go of the lies he has taken on from the world outside of who, what or how he is supposed to be. He regains his strength and light and when he enters back into the outside world above he shines the lantern his truth and he is guided with the staring soul light of the Aquarius energy, Unique and all of who he be without taking on judgement, shame and all the darkness that is surrounding him. He stays grounded in his wisdom and when needed goes back to his inner light below to journey to his soul place as needed. More of his lessons from a 9 year will be revealed at the New Moon In Aquarius, Our next New Moon on 1/27/2017= 11, Creating a divine doorway for you.
I will be posting more about that closer to the New moon.
Notice in the bridge that each card has a single individual showing the lesson of the 9 on the inner true self, the opportunities that open in the starting of the 1 that follows 9
Next 9 of Swords
We are faced with self doubt, self criticism and the dreaded perfectionist or comparison to others. We are holding ourselves back. Yet we can still see the Hermit and the gift of his wisdom telling us when it is time to go inside and see if this is your story or someone else's traumas dramas that you have learned to take on as your own story. So we have choice and we ask.
Why do I choose to suffer and hold myself back from my spiritual gifts and journey?.
How is cruel to me and where did I learn it is ok to feel this and let others opinions put me down?
What can I do to improve my situation?
How can I acknowledge I am enough and release and move on?
9 of Cups
Here the dark grey behind the joyful soul is a space with 9 cups around it, showing that someone is missing from the space and they are happy about it. It is the old energy of your personality giving way to the you that is joyful and full as yourself, All of who you are and the beauty of the individual that feels abundant in spirit and open to manifest what your soul desires. Also notice the 9 cups in the back representing 2016 and the one individual that represents you moving into You as number 1.
How were your wishes fulfilled?
What do you want to manifest in your life?
Where can I let go of being called smug or arrogant if I claim my wealth in all areas of my life?
Claim your worth and visualize it clearly then allow your soul to go with the flow of your inner wisdom
9 of Wands
Your strength showing up and allowing you to see the wisdom to protect your freedom shown by the 5 wands seperate and to allow your true purpose to show up referenced by the 3 wands separate. The person in from has the wand that is representing your independence gained through persistence of purpose
Who or what is demanding a lot of you and what makes you defensive?
What and who is teaching me to face opposition?
What skills have I developed from the experiences to act independently?
9 of Coins
This card shows all the enjoyment of solitary leisure, Relaxation, ease and Well being the reward of the work done. This Soul walks in a garden that has been planted and dreamed into reality from the efforts and the willingness to ground and do the shadow work and earn her independent space. Her reward and knowing she deserves goodness and abundance. What you gained through this journey of 2016
What status is calling you and are you still holding yourself back?
How are you enjoying all that you have earned?
Have you stopped making excuses or defending what you have gained?
Do you use and enjoy what you create with out guilt?
Moon Our Cancer Full Moon today symbolizing the crossing of the bridge
Gift of Authenticity,
The full moon reminds us we can shine our brilliance and authenticity.
The external expression of the hermit in the world, the Full Moon and the inner cave of the hermit is the New Moon internal journey.
The card show the water being risking to take the journey the they have manifested ahead of them. It looks like there is no way that journey can work, the being will die for sure out of water and it will surely be eaten by the dogs before that could happen. The being is called out of the depth of the murky waters, the shadows they dare to shine and believe in the knowing of their authenticity. As soon as the being has the courage to step on to land and move towards the dogs the stinger of the Scorpio appears and the being is transformed into what is needed. It is re birthed to who and what they have always known they could be. They move into the divine energy of being in joy and freedom represented by the towers and right of passage.
Our Moon is a daily symbol of the power of daily choosing either to be authentic and true to your self or to dutiful and perhaps abandon yourself. It allows us to know we can shine and cycle and grow so we can choose to honor the core of who we are. When we honor that core of ourselves, we can shine the full glory and light of who we really are. the moon reflects back to us that opportunity.
Your fears are symbolized by the dogs, tower and long road ahead, What are those fears for you and are you willing to let them go and release them this full moon?
What kind of cycles and patterns are you repeating that you are willing to destroy and uncreate now?
What is real and what illusions are you living that have been attached to you by outside events. Are you willing to allow those to go so your authentic story can be told?
Are you willing to walk the path of the unknown inner realms of yourself? Not having to have all the details but moving ahead anyway?
Our Moon today is Cancer energy, it symbolizes the womb of where we came from and also the cutting of the cord of any ancestral attachments to family linage that is not ours. Anything that we have received from our heritage of birth and our journey of the last 9 years we are called to let it go. Our sense of safety and home is being held up for us to look at and how we nurture ourselves, how we show up in all things relating to self in our world.
We are preparing for what we want to Manifest and focus on for ourselves and family now. The energy of 2017 is a magical one of manifesting. don't hold back because of fear, there are a lot of outside things around you going on that may be not right in the world and there are just as many things, I believe more that is going on in your favor now if you open yourself to the magic you can create in a Wheel of Fortune Year with all the Tools of the magician. Remember the lessons of the hermit. Go within where there is light and joy and inner truth and allow your light to shine through all the darkness out there. You have the power to do that.
Ask your self in the darkest times and the best of times, How Does it Get Any Better Than This? And What are all the possibilities I am not seeing. what is the Rightness in the Wrongness I am seeing and feeling?
I have had a fast start to 2017, things I have thought of I wanted to work on or receive in 2017 are just appearing, The energy is fast and abundant. it has taken me to my deepest fears and to my highest joys in just days.
Let the moon show you how quick you can cycle and also if you are needing to take it a bit slower then always know that the moon keeps cycling and allowing you transformation and rebirth. The year will lend energy to the moon and as the Wheel turns on the Wheel of fortune Change will be available and it will happen.
So here is to happy manifesting and doing it your way in 2017
Pamela Annette
This is the work that you have done in 2016, The ending of a 9 universal year is usually very recognizable, we do a lot of work in all areas of life of decluttering the past and reviewing whats needed and whats not coming with us for the next 9 years as we cross the bridge.
What my Grandmothers taught me about the energy ending a 9 year becomes clearer and shows what work still needs to be done and what work is complete at the first Cancer Moon of the following year.
That moon is today 1/12/2017 and is is beaming with the number 5 as its power of Freedom. (1+12+2017=2030=2+3=5) I love how the energy flows from that. The 5 takes you up on that Plateau. ( Which I really love cause I grew up on Plateau Rd in Tennessee as a girl) The plateau of the 5 has you looking forward and it has the rocker on the bottom looking back at the past. The rocker gives you energy to create movement to shift the energy and release the past only keeping the lessons not the toxic feelings and stuck energy of things we need to release. So this year will be grounded in that as our Cancer Full Moon helps you birth the energy of you and your truth and freedom of creating what your soul desires.
Soul Prompts to help you seek some of your answers you have inside from 2016. Below following this section you will have the information on 2017 and our Full Moon Energy guiding us today. This is the Morgan Greer Deck.
Hermit, the gateway to cross the bridge
Principle of completion introspection and space
First look at the Hermit card above, notice that he is standing on top of his cave or another analogy is the Womb of the Soul. When he enters that space below him look at the light blue, it opens his voice and gives him inner light to hear the wisdom of his truth and let go of the lies he has taken on from the world outside of who, what or how he is supposed to be. He regains his strength and light and when he enters back into the outside world above he shines the lantern his truth and he is guided with the staring soul light of the Aquarius energy, Unique and all of who he be without taking on judgement, shame and all the darkness that is surrounding him. He stays grounded in his wisdom and when needed goes back to his inner light below to journey to his soul place as needed. More of his lessons from a 9 year will be revealed at the New Moon In Aquarius, Our next New Moon on 1/27/2017= 11, Creating a divine doorway for you.
I will be posting more about that closer to the New moon.
Notice in the bridge that each card has a single individual showing the lesson of the 9 on the inner true self, the opportunities that open in the starting of the 1 that follows 9
Next 9 of Swords
We are faced with self doubt, self criticism and the dreaded perfectionist or comparison to others. We are holding ourselves back. Yet we can still see the Hermit and the gift of his wisdom telling us when it is time to go inside and see if this is your story or someone else's traumas dramas that you have learned to take on as your own story. So we have choice and we ask.
Why do I choose to suffer and hold myself back from my spiritual gifts and journey?.
How is cruel to me and where did I learn it is ok to feel this and let others opinions put me down?
What can I do to improve my situation?
How can I acknowledge I am enough and release and move on?
9 of Cups
Here the dark grey behind the joyful soul is a space with 9 cups around it, showing that someone is missing from the space and they are happy about it. It is the old energy of your personality giving way to the you that is joyful and full as yourself, All of who you are and the beauty of the individual that feels abundant in spirit and open to manifest what your soul desires. Also notice the 9 cups in the back representing 2016 and the one individual that represents you moving into You as number 1.
How were your wishes fulfilled?
What do you want to manifest in your life?
Where can I let go of being called smug or arrogant if I claim my wealth in all areas of my life?
Claim your worth and visualize it clearly then allow your soul to go with the flow of your inner wisdom
9 of Wands
Your strength showing up and allowing you to see the wisdom to protect your freedom shown by the 5 wands seperate and to allow your true purpose to show up referenced by the 3 wands separate. The person in from has the wand that is representing your independence gained through persistence of purpose
Who or what is demanding a lot of you and what makes you defensive?
What and who is teaching me to face opposition?
What skills have I developed from the experiences to act independently?
9 of Coins
This card shows all the enjoyment of solitary leisure, Relaxation, ease and Well being the reward of the work done. This Soul walks in a garden that has been planted and dreamed into reality from the efforts and the willingness to ground and do the shadow work and earn her independent space. Her reward and knowing she deserves goodness and abundance. What you gained through this journey of 2016
What status is calling you and are you still holding yourself back?
How are you enjoying all that you have earned?
Have you stopped making excuses or defending what you have gained?
Do you use and enjoy what you create with out guilt?
Moon Our Cancer Full Moon today symbolizing the crossing of the bridge
Gift of Authenticity,
The full moon reminds us we can shine our brilliance and authenticity.
The external expression of the hermit in the world, the Full Moon and the inner cave of the hermit is the New Moon internal journey.
The card show the water being risking to take the journey the they have manifested ahead of them. It looks like there is no way that journey can work, the being will die for sure out of water and it will surely be eaten by the dogs before that could happen. The being is called out of the depth of the murky waters, the shadows they dare to shine and believe in the knowing of their authenticity. As soon as the being has the courage to step on to land and move towards the dogs the stinger of the Scorpio appears and the being is transformed into what is needed. It is re birthed to who and what they have always known they could be. They move into the divine energy of being in joy and freedom represented by the towers and right of passage.
Our Moon is a daily symbol of the power of daily choosing either to be authentic and true to your self or to dutiful and perhaps abandon yourself. It allows us to know we can shine and cycle and grow so we can choose to honor the core of who we are. When we honor that core of ourselves, we can shine the full glory and light of who we really are. the moon reflects back to us that opportunity.
Your fears are symbolized by the dogs, tower and long road ahead, What are those fears for you and are you willing to let them go and release them this full moon?
What kind of cycles and patterns are you repeating that you are willing to destroy and uncreate now?
What is real and what illusions are you living that have been attached to you by outside events. Are you willing to allow those to go so your authentic story can be told?
Are you willing to walk the path of the unknown inner realms of yourself? Not having to have all the details but moving ahead anyway?
Our Moon today is Cancer energy, it symbolizes the womb of where we came from and also the cutting of the cord of any ancestral attachments to family linage that is not ours. Anything that we have received from our heritage of birth and our journey of the last 9 years we are called to let it go. Our sense of safety and home is being held up for us to look at and how we nurture ourselves, how we show up in all things relating to self in our world.
We are preparing for what we want to Manifest and focus on for ourselves and family now. The energy of 2017 is a magical one of manifesting. don't hold back because of fear, there are a lot of outside things around you going on that may be not right in the world and there are just as many things, I believe more that is going on in your favor now if you open yourself to the magic you can create in a Wheel of Fortune Year with all the Tools of the magician. Remember the lessons of the hermit. Go within where there is light and joy and inner truth and allow your light to shine through all the darkness out there. You have the power to do that.
Ask your self in the darkest times and the best of times, How Does it Get Any Better Than This? And What are all the possibilities I am not seeing. what is the Rightness in the Wrongness I am seeing and feeling?
I have had a fast start to 2017, things I have thought of I wanted to work on or receive in 2017 are just appearing, The energy is fast and abundant. it has taken me to my deepest fears and to my highest joys in just days.
Let the moon show you how quick you can cycle and also if you are needing to take it a bit slower then always know that the moon keeps cycling and allowing you transformation and rebirth. The year will lend energy to the moon and as the Wheel turns on the Wheel of fortune Change will be available and it will happen.
So here is to happy manifesting and doing it your way in 2017
Pamela Annette