There are many potent aspects during this Full moon/Equinox. You may be feeling the need to say
be still my wounded heart if you are feeling a trigger or two during this week. Something that brings up your special little piece of pain to heal. All things that relates to your identity, Phrases like,”Who do you think you are?” and “What makes you so special” keep us hidden and full of shame. Release feelings that limit you. Release relationships that limit you. Release situations that limit you. Release, release, release. Did I mention now is the time to release?
Look at the picture here, just allow things to leave and always ask what is it I need to know about what else is possible for my highest good. It is a potent year and time for patterns to show up and they will show up again to get your attention. It is time to see what keeps hanging us up. Know the energy may have been taking a toll on your physical energy and all aspects of energy of your soul. So take time for you. Be kind to you, allow yourself some space. Know you are not alone but you are the one you have been waiting on to rescue you. You are worth any and all work you need to do for you. You are enough and you can climb those stairs when you are ready. You have earned a certain stability and support that will help you move forward into your power. When you commit and step into position life will lift you up. It will support you beyond your wildest dreams.
You may feel triggers that encourage a long overdo expression of real feelings. The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off.¨ Stay active if you want to avoid saying or doing something you regret. Shift energy into movement and you will have more control of the energy so you stay clear about what is right for you and right for you to express.
There is a whole lot of growing going on this week. Remember, You are here to be You. It sounds so simple but it is profound. It takes great strength for us drop the veils of illusion and get to the truth of who we are. It takes strength to be free. Now we can access that strength. How does it get any better than this and what are the possibilities?
May courage and compassion clear the way for us all. And so it is!
be still my wounded heart if you are feeling a trigger or two during this week. Something that brings up your special little piece of pain to heal. All things that relates to your identity, Phrases like,”Who do you think you are?” and “What makes you so special” keep us hidden and full of shame. Release feelings that limit you. Release relationships that limit you. Release situations that limit you. Release, release, release. Did I mention now is the time to release?
Look at the picture here, just allow things to leave and always ask what is it I need to know about what else is possible for my highest good. It is a potent year and time for patterns to show up and they will show up again to get your attention. It is time to see what keeps hanging us up. Know the energy may have been taking a toll on your physical energy and all aspects of energy of your soul. So take time for you. Be kind to you, allow yourself some space. Know you are not alone but you are the one you have been waiting on to rescue you. You are worth any and all work you need to do for you. You are enough and you can climb those stairs when you are ready. You have earned a certain stability and support that will help you move forward into your power. When you commit and step into position life will lift you up. It will support you beyond your wildest dreams.
You may feel triggers that encourage a long overdo expression of real feelings. The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off.¨ Stay active if you want to avoid saying or doing something you regret. Shift energy into movement and you will have more control of the energy so you stay clear about what is right for you and right for you to express.
There is a whole lot of growing going on this week. Remember, You are here to be You. It sounds so simple but it is profound. It takes great strength for us drop the veils of illusion and get to the truth of who we are. It takes strength to be free. Now we can access that strength. How does it get any better than this and what are the possibilities?
May courage and compassion clear the way for us all. And so it is!