Full Moon, September 20, 2021 and Fall Equinox September 22 taps us into a sparky divine essence. There is a crisp energy stirring and it is swirling the world to see the need for deep healing.
This full moon can help us be aware of the areas in our lives that we are hiding from ourselves. It's easy to suppress our real problems by projecting them outside of ourselves. Shifting blame is just our ego distracting us from what's going on within. Your Ego is not your Soul.
Your own holy water opportunity to wash away all that is not yours and Be there for yourself may have arrived.
Ask yourself what needs healing? What inside is holding you back?
It is necessary to honor yourself. Catch what the feeling is and release. Breath deep into your heart and know you are supported with this transformation. You may feel alone, overwhelmed, confused, anxious, even terrified. You are not going through this alone.
Otherworldly support is available to guide you through the dark to the highest version of yourself. Intend to manifest the highest and best possibilities for you and then add humanity, the earth and the animals. Focus on what you want to create and pull your energy away from what you do not want to manifest.
Can you find a way to sit with the fear of loss that may be surfacing? Feel for what your true needs are. Ask for what you need. Let go of people and situations that can’t fill your cup. Maybe their own cups are empty. Allow them to go on their own walk about to move on to their truth within.
We may all be at a crossroads in our connections with others. Can you think differently and still love and respect each other? Trust, if broken breaks open the wound that allows healing and truth if you are willing to walk the path. You can still choose love. Self Love, it will set you free and allow others to go on to what their light path is.
Beautiful Sensitive Souls feel so responsible for others. Time to be responsible for your actions and Self Love is action. When we beam from that source it is good for all involved, Human, animal and Our Beautiful Earth.
Not ego self love, but soul self love.
You may feel a pull trying to keeping the peace or face the truth. Energy can feel like a rock in our shoe. It is like I see a pattern repeating and I keep doing it. The rock in the shoe is there to say you need to stop repeating this and thinking it will go away. What we feel we can heal. This is a gift. Because what you heal in yourself helps us all to heal.
Focus on what needs to let go in your energy circle around you. Then intend the highest for us all. Your light, connects to the light of others. You can raise the vibration for all by tending to your own light and energy.
I allowed my heart and soul to be in the middle of the energy of the moon and equinox to bring what my heart was called to share.
Blessings and Love
Pamela Annette
On a heart laugh moment while I am doing all this typing I get an alert on my phone. I have my phone on do not disturb but what needs to get through will usually find a way, this was the alert.
I drive my granddaughter to school, Life 360 is an app my daughter uses to keep up with travels etc....so if we get lost we can be found. May you be found and balance restored for us all. This is what came through. From Life 360 "Are you going through Parent Puberty?" I laughed till the tears fell down my face. I am in Parent Puberty and need to parent my energy through the energies of now. I need to let go of the critical parent in my mind and embrace new essences of patterns that I was born for. Not the ones I was born to embrace that are not mine. Those life lessons on earth need to merge with my Mystical Essence I was born to be.
This full moon can help us be aware of the areas in our lives that we are hiding from ourselves. It's easy to suppress our real problems by projecting them outside of ourselves. Shifting blame is just our ego distracting us from what's going on within. Your Ego is not your Soul.
Your own holy water opportunity to wash away all that is not yours and Be there for yourself may have arrived.
Ask yourself what needs healing? What inside is holding you back?
It is necessary to honor yourself. Catch what the feeling is and release. Breath deep into your heart and know you are supported with this transformation. You may feel alone, overwhelmed, confused, anxious, even terrified. You are not going through this alone.
Otherworldly support is available to guide you through the dark to the highest version of yourself. Intend to manifest the highest and best possibilities for you and then add humanity, the earth and the animals. Focus on what you want to create and pull your energy away from what you do not want to manifest.
Can you find a way to sit with the fear of loss that may be surfacing? Feel for what your true needs are. Ask for what you need. Let go of people and situations that can’t fill your cup. Maybe their own cups are empty. Allow them to go on their own walk about to move on to their truth within.
We may all be at a crossroads in our connections with others. Can you think differently and still love and respect each other? Trust, if broken breaks open the wound that allows healing and truth if you are willing to walk the path. You can still choose love. Self Love, it will set you free and allow others to go on to what their light path is.
Beautiful Sensitive Souls feel so responsible for others. Time to be responsible for your actions and Self Love is action. When we beam from that source it is good for all involved, Human, animal and Our Beautiful Earth.
Not ego self love, but soul self love.
You may feel a pull trying to keeping the peace or face the truth. Energy can feel like a rock in our shoe. It is like I see a pattern repeating and I keep doing it. The rock in the shoe is there to say you need to stop repeating this and thinking it will go away. What we feel we can heal. This is a gift. Because what you heal in yourself helps us all to heal.
Focus on what needs to let go in your energy circle around you. Then intend the highest for us all. Your light, connects to the light of others. You can raise the vibration for all by tending to your own light and energy.
I allowed my heart and soul to be in the middle of the energy of the moon and equinox to bring what my heart was called to share.
Blessings and Love
Pamela Annette
On a heart laugh moment while I am doing all this typing I get an alert on my phone. I have my phone on do not disturb but what needs to get through will usually find a way, this was the alert.
I drive my granddaughter to school, Life 360 is an app my daughter uses to keep up with travels etc....so if we get lost we can be found. May you be found and balance restored for us all. This is what came through. From Life 360 "Are you going through Parent Puberty?" I laughed till the tears fell down my face. I am in Parent Puberty and need to parent my energy through the energies of now. I need to let go of the critical parent in my mind and embrace new essences of patterns that I was born for. Not the ones I was born to embrace that are not mine. Those life lessons on earth need to merge with my Mystical Essence I was born to be.