Moon Musings
The more we purge the more room there is to merge. Take a deep dive into the dynamics of your story. You may have been seeing things about yourself lately that you never saw before. New understandings are just what you need to drop the things that are holding you back.
Remember, holding on keeps you tangled up in what needs to be let go of. Remember also the same energy that holds on can also get to "enough is enough" then swiftly let go. There is no going back to what you know is wrong. It may have taken an unusually long time to arrive at this understanding but be grateful you arrived. When you step back into what is no longer true for you it will be like walking in another persons life. New traditions are rising. Better ways are born. We can build what we need to get where we are going. The Full moon illuminates what we might be hiding. Insight and intuition are active and strong. With a lot of deep water energy this moon was even more intense. Open to understanding and you will come to understanding. Open to let go and go you will let. We have immense power at our disposal. Our will is a laser. Focus on letting your burdens go. Rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of your previous life. Step into your power and soar. I have been traveling leading some workshops and doing private bookings, I hope to see some of you in person soon Hugs and Love Pamela Annette |