Full Moon Energy March 1st, connects into the last Full Blue Moon of Jan 31st ,The energy enters with the Fire energy of Leo. Then eases into the Virgo Moon energy. What is in Between that we have been seeing Since Feb 1st and Feb 28th may now find a voice. it can show up as Anger, Rage, Sadness, Grief etc. ask what feelings are surfacing to be felt .
Whats boiling in your pot, is it boiling over and needs to be turned down a bit or maybe it needs to boil over to release what is not yours. Maybe it is just the right temp to brew the right flavor. Fire energy comes first then Virgo will earth it down and help us ground to find the right formulas to prepare what you need for all areas of life, Body Mind and Spirit
Full Moon - which is the Sun and Moon opposite each other It represents t a supreme symbology of balance again
Cutting through the veils. Serving the lie or Serving the truth. Seeing the reality of what you want to create. Not allowing your energy to be lead by energies that are not in your highest vibration. This moon vibrates with a the alchemist energy. Keep your energy to yourself and create from the inside out. Not allowing stronger energy around you to pull you out of creation going on inside of you.
One big message of this Full Moon is to save your precious energy and only use it to manifest your dreams and goals, visions and plans when you feel totally inspired from the inside out. Our time now wants to brings everything into balance in our relationships, in our belief systems in our sense of how we communicate and cooperate and generate connection with others. Creativity is activated as well - so the whole gamut is being shared with us in a way that we can basically access all parts of our soul’s code and our soul’s destiny to create a powerful energy to move us into the year and our soul path.
The discovery of hidden talents. How you stand out to shine in the world can also show up and it can show up as how In my life have I allowed my self to hold my shine back? How have you created a life full of others dreams goals and hopes and let yours sit on the sideline. This can signify you trying something new without the ego‚ fear of failure. This is a powerful time for sticking to your own plans and doing something you have always wanted to do without any guilt holding you back from unbridled selfish fun. When seeking information about timing it represents the beginning or just before. |
*************************************Virgo Energy Enters ******************************
Am I able to hear the messages of my heart?
The picture of the High Priestess is not a typo, Virgo energy enters in so click edit to see what needs to be edited Body Mind and Soul to help you achieve what you want in all of those aspects of your life.
Your intuitive mind knows the answers. Cultivate your faith. Balance between the spiritual and physical realms. Balance between the inward way and the external way, both creates emotional energy at a deeply sensitive time.The journey ahead and the need to persevere, to accomplish your souls work will ask that your Allow yourself to Dream the openness don't give up on the magic to show the changes that your heart wants. How does it get any better than this and what are your possibilities? Stay in the question let the answers flow in |
I am protected by the love of the Divine and that overlights me each and every day.