I am feeling blessed for continued healing, I am looking for the renewal of spring to spark more healing along with the Full Moon energy still flowing.
Today March 20th the Equinox lifts us up to a new level. We are in the middle of a magical transformation. Can you feel it? The frequency is shifting. We access it by tuning in and reaching for the light.
Spring Equinox asks what you are seeding in your soul garden. What will you intend for this new year? Plant the seeds. The seeds you plant now are powerfully supported by the cosmos, offer something to mother earth and symbolize the new situations growing in your life. You will have the opportunity to weed that garden as the seeds sprout.
The Moon was Full in exacting Virgo with many planets anchored opposite in the boundless realm of Pisces on March 18, 2022. This is compassionate, courageous, discerning, supremely creative energy. It full with the energy of the 9 vibration, completion, going within for your answers, letting go of others energy that you no longer need to carry. The wake up to not be a consumer of other peoples approval.
What will you let go of? What will you toss in the burning pile?
The Full Moon energy is still glowing and flowing it is hungry to know it all. It needs to know the truth. To illuminate what's not working and make it right. It is a supremely sensitive energy. Dive in to the feelings and explore what you need to know about your heart energy. Are you ready to allow the heart to lead the mind?
Escapist temptations may rise up. Don’t allow it to take you away from you, ask what is it I need to know. Your exquisite ability to feel it all is what informs you of the truth. Allow your feelings validation. Honor all parts of yourself. Float in a tub. Stare into the fire. Snuggle under the coziest of blankets. Listen to music and feel into the magic of the simple pleasures of living. It's from this relaxed state that we can receive all that we need for our next phase of action to take us to the highest expression of our truth.
Embrace the lessons and learning. Follow the whisper of your heart. It will lead you to much Love. “What you seek is seeking you”.
Hugs and Love
Pamela Annette
Today March 20th the Equinox lifts us up to a new level. We are in the middle of a magical transformation. Can you feel it? The frequency is shifting. We access it by tuning in and reaching for the light.
Spring Equinox asks what you are seeding in your soul garden. What will you intend for this new year? Plant the seeds. The seeds you plant now are powerfully supported by the cosmos, offer something to mother earth and symbolize the new situations growing in your life. You will have the opportunity to weed that garden as the seeds sprout.
The Moon was Full in exacting Virgo with many planets anchored opposite in the boundless realm of Pisces on March 18, 2022. This is compassionate, courageous, discerning, supremely creative energy. It full with the energy of the 9 vibration, completion, going within for your answers, letting go of others energy that you no longer need to carry. The wake up to not be a consumer of other peoples approval.
What will you let go of? What will you toss in the burning pile?
The Full Moon energy is still glowing and flowing it is hungry to know it all. It needs to know the truth. To illuminate what's not working and make it right. It is a supremely sensitive energy. Dive in to the feelings and explore what you need to know about your heart energy. Are you ready to allow the heart to lead the mind?
Escapist temptations may rise up. Don’t allow it to take you away from you, ask what is it I need to know. Your exquisite ability to feel it all is what informs you of the truth. Allow your feelings validation. Honor all parts of yourself. Float in a tub. Stare into the fire. Snuggle under the coziest of blankets. Listen to music and feel into the magic of the simple pleasures of living. It's from this relaxed state that we can receive all that we need for our next phase of action to take us to the highest expression of our truth.
Embrace the lessons and learning. Follow the whisper of your heart. It will lead you to much Love. “What you seek is seeking you”.
Hugs and Love
Pamela Annette