Moon Musings
Clear Vision for our highest expression feels to be the question, make sure to allow the clarity of what you fell best for you to come first.
Ignoring this inner knowing is risky. When we ignore the nudge we get the shove.
Sit down have a talk with you the kind of talk that is heart to head not head leading the heart, it helps us initiate new practices, new truths. A fusion between different parts of our self helps us move forward to what we value. We have a bit of work to do, what was going on for you starting in the growing time of the soul (Summer Solstice) to now is here to start showing you what has grown and flourished and it may show that there is some releasing what has been familiar. The timing of who and what comes with us on our path for the next journey is key. You are coming into harvesting the seeds you want to plant for your future soul garden. You may be disappointed with some of things you are harvesting now, it is showing and giving you choice to answer this. Will this be planted again or if I keep this intention going forward will I need to have a different plan for growth to be positive.
Allow discipline for you in a most supportive way. Know this Discipline needs to align with your Disciple within, not others ideas of what it looks like for you. This will allow your staying power and stick with it energy. This lines up with the sense of responsibility that allows us to keep showing up. Again and again and again. Effort earns rewards if you align with your inner Heart art Dialogue.
Sensitive Souls don't allow yourself to get so overstimulated and overwhelmed from all the choices. The energy that is creating to many choices now needs to be muted. Time to be a Ruler of our individuality Allow nurturing time and less Worrying time to unearth the blocks to your growth. This Moon connects with genius and out of the blue solutions and quickly shifting situations. With all this mutable energy we can easily morph our worlds into new, more rewarding stories. A whole lot of thinking is going on. Assessment is essential to moving forward with clarity. Our intellect can help us sort out stuff right now.
Cleansing of thoughts that are not in our greatest good can transform your world from the deep dark depths. Do that, transform. It takes at least 4 good positives they say to reverse one negative in deep feeling folks. Know this is deep feeling times, go with the positive as much as you can. Compassion to your heart will lead you to important matters to attend to. You will not miss them, or anything really. Our knowing is total. Foundations built on this ground are solid and enduring.
Resonate with what you wish to attract. Alignment is necessary, but first you need to be clear about what you wish to align with. Know who you are is always enough.
Blessings and Love
Pamela Annette
PS if you want to see what energy was going on around summer Solstice Click Here
Ignoring this inner knowing is risky. When we ignore the nudge we get the shove.
Sit down have a talk with you the kind of talk that is heart to head not head leading the heart, it helps us initiate new practices, new truths. A fusion between different parts of our self helps us move forward to what we value. We have a bit of work to do, what was going on for you starting in the growing time of the soul (Summer Solstice) to now is here to start showing you what has grown and flourished and it may show that there is some releasing what has been familiar. The timing of who and what comes with us on our path for the next journey is key. You are coming into harvesting the seeds you want to plant for your future soul garden. You may be disappointed with some of things you are harvesting now, it is showing and giving you choice to answer this. Will this be planted again or if I keep this intention going forward will I need to have a different plan for growth to be positive.
Allow discipline for you in a most supportive way. Know this Discipline needs to align with your Disciple within, not others ideas of what it looks like for you. This will allow your staying power and stick with it energy. This lines up with the sense of responsibility that allows us to keep showing up. Again and again and again. Effort earns rewards if you align with your inner Heart art Dialogue.
Sensitive Souls don't allow yourself to get so overstimulated and overwhelmed from all the choices. The energy that is creating to many choices now needs to be muted. Time to be a Ruler of our individuality Allow nurturing time and less Worrying time to unearth the blocks to your growth. This Moon connects with genius and out of the blue solutions and quickly shifting situations. With all this mutable energy we can easily morph our worlds into new, more rewarding stories. A whole lot of thinking is going on. Assessment is essential to moving forward with clarity. Our intellect can help us sort out stuff right now.
Cleansing of thoughts that are not in our greatest good can transform your world from the deep dark depths. Do that, transform. It takes at least 4 good positives they say to reverse one negative in deep feeling folks. Know this is deep feeling times, go with the positive as much as you can. Compassion to your heart will lead you to important matters to attend to. You will not miss them, or anything really. Our knowing is total. Foundations built on this ground are solid and enduring.
Resonate with what you wish to attract. Alignment is necessary, but first you need to be clear about what you wish to align with. Know who you are is always enough.
Blessings and Love
Pamela Annette
PS if you want to see what energy was going on around summer Solstice Click Here