What a big energy with The Full Moon Yesterday. I am dealing with a stomach issue so I will post more in Moon Musings in the next Day or so.
I wanted to share this picture I took yesterday on my upper deck. It is Nov 16th today in South Dakota. We have had frost temps in the 30's at night, rain and lots of wind. The other plants surrendered to the changes and are already in the compost bags and gone 3 weeks ago. My trees in my yard have surrendered their energy lost all of their leaves and pulled deep into the roots of the earth.
Not These Marigolds with half of the root system showing above the soil and the African Daisy that has had 2 blooms come out in the last few days.
Nature is always my go to, it tells me stories and inspires me to look at what is possible and not give into impossible.
Full Moon Yesterday asks about our home? our body and our home we reside in for our comfort. My deck and these flowers tell me that I need to stay focused on what is here in front of me don't loose site that life is happening and take it slow and find your way.
There are a lot of changes around us that can call us out of our body. This is a time to be grounded and tune into nature. Your nature and see that your path forward is guided by your light.
So I am taking care as I come back to a balanced body. I am reminded that nature says I will surrender and find my strength to be what I am called to be at the moment.
Be your beautiful unique self and when your sensitive soul feels drained take a pause and call yourself back home to your power.
The flowers on my deck tell me they live by the rules of the energy of who they are at the moment and that is the simple truth from nature that is grounding me today.
Sending Love and Hugs.
Talk to you soon in Moon Musings
Pamela Annette.
PS The pot that the Marigolds are in was full of Marigolds. These Three took a path less traveled. They were unique lived the nature of who they are not who they were told to be. The energy I feel from this is stay true to you and allow your peace and light to lead you.