Wow does it feel good to connect in with you on this Full Moon. So much has been happening and I am seeing what all the work and challenges were bringing forward. I feel tired from all the work and at the same time amped up. I feel the Change that being alive is asking of me. The ask is simple " Just Be Yourself" the action of the ask is trust and step forward. Who you are is enough. Expansion and Change
I am feeling the pulling and amplifying of the energies today with this super full Moon. It highlights my ability to detach and release what holds me back. My empathic sensitive soul feels the Urging of my weird uniqueness to step out of the comfort zone. I hope you are feeling the nudge as well without guilt and shame. We are being called to drop the programming and tune into our authentic self.
When difficulty arises allow your soul to intend the outcome of the highest frequency and consciously participate in the positive creation of your reality. Ask to un-create and destroy any and all attachments to past or present things that is standing in the way of you moving forward with all that you are. Take up space and don't ask for permission or forgiveness. You are meant to be here.
This moon amps up our awareness of what we are creating. With this full moon in Aquarius we can untangle ourselves from the burdens that are not ours to carry. Ain´t no way it's ok for others to tell us what to do or be. This is a do you energy without harming. Aquarius energy is individualistic. It does not want you to conform, It wants you to not dim your light to fit in because the most interesting thing about you is your shine and your individual soul calling,
Value yourself, Follow your heart. What sparks your joy. What lights your fire? This full moon time has magic and mystery, will power and discipline. There is an unpredictable charge to jolt us out of our comfortable hypnosis.
This world is changing fast. This is hard but we are well equipped with the ability to focus on creating what we intend to create so truth and change can evolve into the highest good. We have a relentless commitment to seeing the world move towards a better place. We have a magical ability to commune with the flow moving through the natural world. It is painful for us to have to hide how much we care.
As Sensitive, Intuitive and Empathic people we are here to be Who we are born to be. It has been a lot the last few years, and the last 2 months well it called you to look at what has been blocking the way. There is an ask that went deep so we could clear the shadows and move to the light of your inner shine and bring it forward.
Ask How Does It Get Any Better Than This?
Choose Joy and Love and Abundance with Clarity and Truth.
Hold the light Be Bright and Clear. You are here to shine.
As we head into the week what we want to do and what we have to do are in a war. If you don't go within you go without. You are the Source of Love. Have a chat with yourself and decide what you Take care of your heart.
Blessings and Hugs
Pamela Annette
I am feeling the pulling and amplifying of the energies today with this super full Moon. It highlights my ability to detach and release what holds me back. My empathic sensitive soul feels the Urging of my weird uniqueness to step out of the comfort zone. I hope you are feeling the nudge as well without guilt and shame. We are being called to drop the programming and tune into our authentic self.
When difficulty arises allow your soul to intend the outcome of the highest frequency and consciously participate in the positive creation of your reality. Ask to un-create and destroy any and all attachments to past or present things that is standing in the way of you moving forward with all that you are. Take up space and don't ask for permission or forgiveness. You are meant to be here.
This moon amps up our awareness of what we are creating. With this full moon in Aquarius we can untangle ourselves from the burdens that are not ours to carry. Ain´t no way it's ok for others to tell us what to do or be. This is a do you energy without harming. Aquarius energy is individualistic. It does not want you to conform, It wants you to not dim your light to fit in because the most interesting thing about you is your shine and your individual soul calling,
Value yourself, Follow your heart. What sparks your joy. What lights your fire? This full moon time has magic and mystery, will power and discipline. There is an unpredictable charge to jolt us out of our comfortable hypnosis.
This world is changing fast. This is hard but we are well equipped with the ability to focus on creating what we intend to create so truth and change can evolve into the highest good. We have a relentless commitment to seeing the world move towards a better place. We have a magical ability to commune with the flow moving through the natural world. It is painful for us to have to hide how much we care.
As Sensitive, Intuitive and Empathic people we are here to be Who we are born to be. It has been a lot the last few years, and the last 2 months well it called you to look at what has been blocking the way. There is an ask that went deep so we could clear the shadows and move to the light of your inner shine and bring it forward.
Ask How Does It Get Any Better Than This?
Choose Joy and Love and Abundance with Clarity and Truth.
Hold the light Be Bright and Clear. You are here to shine.
As we head into the week what we want to do and what we have to do are in a war. If you don't go within you go without. You are the Source of Love. Have a chat with yourself and decide what you Take care of your heart.
Blessings and Hugs
Pamela Annette